The Institute is pleased to announce that nationally recognized author and speaker Peter Schweizer has joined JMI’s Research Advisory Council.Mr. Schweizer is a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. A former consultant to NBC News, he also served as a member of the Ultraterrorism Study Group at the U.S. Government’s Sandia National Laboratory.His books include: DO AS I SAY (NOT AS I DO): PROFILES IN LIBERAL HYPOCRISY (Doubleday, October 2005), THE BUSHES: PORTRAIT OF A DYNASTY(Doubleday, 2004/Anchor, 2005) , and REAGAN’S WAR: THE EPIC STORY OF HIS FORTY YEAR STRUGGLE AND FINAL TRIUMPH OVER COMMUNISM (Doubleday, 2002/Anchor 2003). His first novel, CHAIN OF COMMAND (co-authored with Caspar Weinberger), was released by Simon and Schuster in June 2005. Peter is Executive Producer of “In the Face of Evil” an epic documentary based on his book Reagan’s War.Peter’s written work has appeared in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, National Review, Foreign Affairs, and elsewhere. He has spoken before dozens of corporate audiences including Amoco, Arthur Anderson, the Independent Petroleum Association of America, as well as numerous student groups including Young America’s Foundation, University of Virginia, and Florida State University.He has appeared on ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and the BBC.Peter received his M.Phil. from Oxford University and his B.A. from George Washington University.