
STATEMENT RELEASE: JMI Applauds ⁠t⁠he Flor⁠i⁠da Leg⁠i⁠sla⁠t⁠ure for F⁠i⁠gh⁠t⁠⁠i⁠ng for Flor⁠i⁠da’s K-12 S⁠t⁠uden⁠t⁠s

By: The James Madison Institute / 2018



For Immediate Release:

March 5, 2018


Shelby Hobbs

(850) 222-1996

JMI Applauds the Florida Legislature for Fighting for Florida’s K-12 Students

Statement from The James Madison Institute on the Passage of Major Education Bills

Tallahassee – The James Madison Institute (JMI) hails today’s passage of two major education reform bills: HB 1, which passed the Florida House, and HB 7055, which passed the Florida Senate. Both of these measures contain provisions creating a new Hope Scholarship program, which JMI has strongly supported in public testimony.

“Every student needs a safe environment in which to learn,” said William Mattox, director of JMI’s Marshall Center for Educational Options. “We are especially pleased that legislators are creating a Hope Scholarship so that victims of bullying, harassment, and/or violent assault can transfer to a different school where they will feel safer.”

JMI President Dr. Bob McClure praised House and Senate leaders for making K-12 education reform a major priority. “Florida has made tremendous strides in K-12 education over the last two decades, but we still have a way to go,” McClure said. “Adopting this legislation will ensure that more Florida students have the opportunity to attend a school well-suited to meeting their individual needs.”

Florida’s premier free-market think tank,The James Madison Instituteis a 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational organization. The Institute conducts research on such issues as health care, taxes, and regulatory environments.
