Press Releases

S⁠t⁠a⁠t⁠emen⁠t⁠ Release: New Repor⁠t⁠ on School Cho⁠i⁠ce and Econom⁠i⁠c Developmen⁠t⁠

By: Logan Padgett / 2022

Logan Padgett


Press Releases



January 4, 2022


Logan Elizabeth Padgett

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The James Madison Institute (JMI) has released a new report entitled Becoming America’s ‘Education Destination’ detailing how universal K-12 scholarships can brighten Florida’s future.

The report, written by JMI’s Director of the J. Stanley Marshall Center for Educational Options, William Mattox, examines the growing phenomenon of “education migration” in which education-minded families move to freedom-loving states like Florida that empower them to direct the education of their children. Moreover, it describes how Florida can attract such parents to the Sunshine State and can help lift rural, suburban and urban areas needing economic revitalization.

“Florida is in a great position to become America’s premier “education destination.” We already possess the nation’s largest and most impressive school choice program. We already have an existing education choice infrastructure that can accommodate newcomers and an entrepreneurial spirit that fosters innovation and regularly improves our scholarship programs to help more parents find the optimal education for their children. Now is the time for the Sunshine State to build on these great policies and push open the door to every American family looking for education freedom.”

– William Mattox, Director of the J. Stanley Marshall Center for Educational Options, The James Madison Institute

To read Becoming America’s ‘Education Destination’, click here.


The James Madison Institute is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the ideals of limited government, economic freedom, federalism and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility. The institute conducts research on such issues as criminal justice, healthcare, taxes and regulatory environments.