Sunshine State News
“The Dean’s List”
March 27, 2015
By Ed DeanWelcome to “The Dean’s List” — an Ed Dean-style look at who Florida’s political achievers were (and weren’t) in the last seven days. What you see here is strictly my opinion, not necessarily the editor’s or the rest of the staff at Sunshine State News.THOSE WHO MADE THE LISTFlorida CFO Jeff Atwater. This week, at the James Madison Institute’s annual dinner, state CFO Jeff Atwater addressed the issue of school choice here in Florida and he nailed it.Atwater chronologically listed the pluses of the “A+” accountability program that was designed and passed by then-Gov. Jeb Bush back in 1999. The state CFO listed the successes and showed how school choice helps parents and their children.It’s an issue in Atwater’s wheelhouse and he speaks on it with a great deal of passion. If Atwater decides to run for the U.S. Senate in 2016, this is an issue he may want to showcase. Democrats will have a hard time arguing against him here because Florida school choice programs remain popular.Article: