
2001 Summer Journal

By: The James Madison Institute / 2001



Message From the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall
Cover Story
Rhetoric and Reality in the Teacher Unions – J. Stanley Marshall
A report on a study of teacher union contracts and collective bargaining in Florida school districts.
Floridians Look Back at Election 2000 and Look Forward to Major Reforms – Susan A. MacManus
The last election uncovered a plethora of inadequacies and the Florida Election Reform Act of 2001 was “must pass” legislation.

The Revolution in Privatization – Lawrence W. Reed
Privatizing is happening at a feverish pace and the more it is done, the more we are learning how to do it right.

Dodging the Bullet: Florida Nursing Homes Get Eleventh-Hour Litigation Relief – Peter Doherty
With time running out, the 2001 Florida legislature took decisive steps to save the state’s nursing home industry.