The nature of what America is and what it will be is currently on trial – each and every day. That trial is being held in every state – in our schools, in our small businesses, and in our legislative chambers. At stake are two fundamentally opposed ways of life – one in which economic reality, the rule of law, and the separation of powers matter and one in which mob rule and economic and cultural Leftism dictate the conduct of every second of our lives.
Over the course of the past 25 years, millions of people and more than $225 billion in annual income have migrated from states like Illinois, New York, and California to Florida. And as those economic refugees have made us the third most populous state, they have also made Florida more conservative.
This has profound implications for the other 49 states, especially those that have the potential for conservative policy wins.
The K. Earl Durden Center for the Advancement of Liberty offers scholarly research, legislative education, testimony, connections to Florida policymakers, communications and media work, along with other needs that arise in specific states pursuing Florida’s successful policy efforts. In addition, the Center engages at the federal level to work with Congressional members and committees to promote the principles of federalism.
The Sunshine State has become the most important place in the country when it comes to policy and politics. There is a reason Florida is referenced on the nightly news and in national media on a regular basis. The entire country is watching us. Our Blueprint: Florida initiative within the Durden Center will export Florida’s successes to the rest of the country as we seek to reclaim the principles that have made this nation the freest, most prosperous on earth.
The Center is named in honor of the late K. Earl Durden, (1936-2010) a businessman and philanthropist from Panama City, Florida, who served on the board of directors of The James Madison Institute. Before his passing in 2010, Mr. Durden made a significant contribution to The Columns capital campaign. While he never lived to see the Institute’s staff move into and work from The Columns, his legacy is remembered each and every day as JMI staff and visitors pass through the JMI library.