George Gibbs Center for Economic Prosperity

The Messenger

By: Logan Padgett / 2024

Logan Padgett


George Gibbs Center for Economic Prosperity


Dear Friends,
Now that November 5th has come and gone, I think we’ve learned a few things about our state and our nation.

First, Florida remains a model for the country as it moves to deeper Red. The reality is that “good policy is good politics,” and the Sunshine State has benefitted tremendously from thirty years of what I call “movement conservatism.” We are the single most diverse state in the nation, with 1000 people moving here daily, and despite this, Florida citizens continue to vote for the principles and policies The James Madison Institute (JMI) has been advocating for years. What the Left does not understand is that regardless of their demographic, most citizens want their shot at the American Dream and a better life for their children and grandchildren.

Second, we have learned that the American people simply want sanity and common sense. Regardless of personal views on the 47th President of the United States, he ran on simple, basic ideas, that even a few years ago, Americans took for granted. Sick of the divisive and counterintuitive views destabilizing our nation, citizens rose up on election day and declared, “Enough!” But now the real work begins for your favorite think tank. As Florida’s leading think tank in America’s most important state, JMI has entre to not only educate Floridians, but those in other states and even our nation’s capital. Ever vigilant here in Florida, we have much to do as we continue to export the “Florida Model” of good policy nationwide.

Our success is impossible without your generosity and support. Simply put, it is only because of you that the Free State of Florida remains the beacon of liberty for our country, and we at JMI never take your contribution to this mission for granted.

Onward together,

J. Robert McClure III, Ph.D.
President and CEO

Check out the Fall 2024 edition of The Messenger here.