Message From the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall
Cover Story
The Election Reforms of 2002: Did They Work? – J. Stanley Marshall and Mark S. Pritchett
Results of a statewide voter satisfaction survey on Florida’s election system indicate a high rate of satisfaction and confidence in the election process.
Is There a Doctor in the House? – James C. McDowell
Skyrocketing costs of medical malpractice insurance are causing a health care crisis.
Another Time for Choosing – Brett Organ
The author’s ideal candidate would affirm that America needs to return to constitutional principles.
Book Review: A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution – Peter Schorsch
Carol Berkin’s book explains that the Founding Fathers’ humanity made their accomplishments all the more impressive.
Florida Is Not Facing a Revenue Crisis – Randall G. Holcombe
Florida is better insulated against recessionary downturns than most states.