
2004 Fall Journal

By: The James Madison Institute / 2004



Message from the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall

Message from the President – J. Robert McClure, III
Cover Story
Florida’s Politicized Constitutional Amendment Process:An Overview-Susan MacManus with the assistance of Brittany Penberthy

Florida’s constitutional amendment process is becoming more politicized by the moment.
Amendment #1: Parental Notification of a Minor’s Termination of Pregnancy-Carlos Muniz

The Legislature shall not limit privacy rights guaranteed to minors under the United States Constitution.

Amendment #2: Constitutional Amendments Proposed by Initiative -Mark Wilson

A reasonable “learning curve” for voters regarding upcoming amendments.

Amendment #3: The Medical Liability Claimant’s Compensation Amendment -Sandra Mortham

Meaningful medical liability reform will save lives in Florida.

Amendment #4: Authorizes Miami-Dade and Broward County Voters to Approve Slot Machines in Parimutuel Facilities -J. Stanley Marshall

Miami-Dade and Broward Counties may choose to authorize slot machines.

Amendment #5: Florida Minimum Wage Amendment -Doug S. Bailey

Wages to start at$6.15/hour would thereafter be indexed to inflation each year.

Amendment #6:Repeal of High Speed Rail Amendment -Mark Mills

Voters may make a statement about the importance about responsible state spending.

Amendment #7: Patients’ Right to Know About Adverse Medical Incidents -J. Robert McClure, III

In any business or profession there will be some dissatisfied consumers, and this amendment requires disclosure of unsatisfactory service but ignores the views of satisfied patients.

Amendment #8: Public Protection From Repeated Malpractice -Christie Raniszewski

Who should decide a medical doctor’s fitness to continue in practice?