
2005 Fall Journal

By: The James Madison Institute / 2005



Message From The Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall

In 1987, The James Madison Institute was founded and ground was broken for the Turlington Building, the towering headquarters of the Florida Department of Education. A look back.

Letters to the Editor

This new Journal feature offers our readers a chance to respond to articles by asking questions or making comments. Please keep those cards and letters (and e-mails) coming.
The Mythology of Teacher Unions – J. Stanley Marshall

Nobody should be surprised when teacher unions place their members’ economic interests ahead of the students’ welfare. That’s just unions acting like unions.

Why Florida Needs Paycheck Protection- S. Alex Bohler

Require state and local governments to obtain each employee’s permission to deduct from their paycheck any portion of their union dues that will be used to support political activities.

The 65-Cent Solution – Rep. Adam Hasner

How Florida could provide more than $1 billion in additional funding for classroom instruction – without raising taxes.

Reviving the State University System – E.T. York and George Bedell

Florida voters passed a constitutional amendment putting the Board of Governors in charge of the State University System. Now is the time for the Board to assert its authority over higher education.

Higher Education: A Different Perspective – by Robert F. Sanchez

The days are past when important decisions about programs and policies in Florida’s University System can be micromanaged from a central office in Tallahassee.

The Little Maneuver the Media Missed – Jere Moore

The current disputeabout university governance was made possible by the insertion of a single word billed as a “technical change”in a constitutional revision. The media failed to notice.

To Catch Up With Growth – Edwin H. Moore

As Florida’s government-operated institutions of higher education struggle to keep up with growth, the state’s independent institutions offer a cost-efficient, high-quality alternative.

Power Corrupts, Academic Style – George Leef

On some campuses, the powers-that-be are allin favor offree speech and academic freedom – until some politically incorrect heretic challenges the liberal orthodoxy.

What’s Wrong with History? – Thomas V. DiBacco

David McCullough and other writers have lamented the sad state of history instruction in the nation’s educational system. Noted historian Thomas DiBacco says help is on the way.

Middle School: Where Gains Turn Into Losses – Chester Finn

Florida’s new K-12 Chancellor Cheri Yecki is lauded for the insights contained in her new report Mayhem in the Middle, about the festering problems in the nation’s middle schools.

For Best Results, Invest Up Front – David Lawrence, Jr.

Florida’s much-criticized pre-kindergarten program is off to a better start than some of its critics will admit, but there’s still much more to be done in an area where investments really pay off.

Little Lucy and the Class Cap Crisis – Robert F. Sanchez

Floridians fell for the class size amendment because opponents focused on its fiscal impact in billions of dollars instead of exposing its rigid formula’s potential impact on individuals.

Where to Find the 4-1-1 on Education – Liam Julian

Staying up-to-date on what’s happening in education has never been easier – or more challenging. A frequent Journal contributer helps us sort the wheat from the chaff.