Message from the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall
Our publications are graced by the scholarly writings of some dedicated authors.
From the Editor’s Desk: Looking Back, Looking Ahead
As the 20th anniversary of our founding approaches, we take a look back – and ahead.
Letters to the Editor
Florida’s Younger Generation: What They Don’t Know Can Hurt Us – Bob Graham and Lou Frey
The authors deplore the lack of attention to civics courses – economics, history, etc. – and propose remedial steps, including the addition of a social studies test to the FCAT.
Don’t Know Much ‘Bout History – Michael Camarda
The author, a Yale history major, cites research showing that students about to graduate from some of the nation’s most prestigious colleges are disquietingly ignorant of history.
Better Schools: The Education Legacy of Governor Jeb Bush – Patricia Levesque
Governor Bush’s initiative brought improvement where it counts: in pupil achievement.
School Choice + Corporate Tax Credits: A Winning Combination for Florida – Mark Pritchett
A study by the Collins Center for Public Policy debunks the myth that the corporate tax credit program would diminish funding for public education.
Against the Tide: Florida’s Shameful Retreat from School Choice – Greg Forster
While a specious court decision forced Florida to retreat on school choice, other states have been expanding opportunities for parents to choose their children’s school.
Why Florida Needs to Act Now to Save School Choice Programs – Jeanne Curtin
The rationale the Florida Supreme Court employed to scuttle Opportunity Scholarships could be used again to scuttle the remaining major elements of school choice.
Bring Competition to Cable TV – Diane S. Katz
The author, an expert in telecommunications policy, argues that the time has come to remove governmental barriers blocking direct competition among cable TV providers.
For Energy Independence, Explore All the Options – Paul Vergamini
Florida, with its reliance on tourism, has a huge stake in finding a solution to the nation’s energy problems. The author urges attention to “synfuels” and the nuclear option.
‘Only God Can Change the Supreme Court’ – Thomas V. DiBacco
Justices move at such a lazy pace you’d think they were tenured college professors.
Reflections on JMI’s Early Days: How It All Began Over Breakfast – J. Stanley Marshall
How The James Madison Institute became “Florida’s Premiere Free-Market Think Tank”.
JMI’s Institutional Memories: From John Cooper to the Iron Lady – Susan Christian
Some episodes from JMI’s history demonstrate the power of great ideas when they’re advocated by people who are principled and committed.