Message from the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall
JMI’s sister organizations in the State Policy Network are doing significant work.
From the Editor’s Desk
The state needs to curb the runaway pay and perks of Florida’s cities and counties.
Letters to the Editor
Reader Dan Calabria says tax reforms fall short, lavish public pensions fuel spending.
Rebuild Florida’s Damaged Property Insurance Market – Rep. Dennis A. Ross
The author argues that the reforms passed in January put the state’s finances at risk.
“Environmentalists” Oddly Quiet in Insurance Debate – Rep. Don Brown
Why aren’t the environmental groups griping about subsidizing beach homes for millionaires?
School District Size: How Big Is Too Big? – J. Stanley Marshall
Florida has seven of the nation’s 25 largest school districts. It’s causing problems.
Dividing School Districts Would Cause Problems – William “Bill” Montford, III
The proposed solution is worse than the situation it’s intended to fix.
The High Price of Low Tuition – Jane Shaw
The guys who work at the carwash are subsidizing the college education of rich kids.
In the “Tuition” Debate, Follow the Money – Amar Ali
Some of the “tuition’ money at Florida’s state universities went to hire exotic dancers.
Making Good on Our Debt to Veterans Will Pay Unexpected Dividends – LeRoy Collins, Jr.
Florida will soon lead the nation in sheer numbers of military veterans. How the state government responds has serious implications for Florida’s fiscal future
Can a Florida County Serve as a Healthcare Model? – Professor Joe Saviak and Dr. Sam Marathe
With the nation nearing the last exit ramp on the road to socialized medicine, an approach incorporating free-market principles is doubly welcome and quite timely.
How an Obscure Florida Law Creates Pain at the Gas Pump – Adam S. Goldman
Most Floridians know that gas stations can get in trouble for charging too much if it’s deemed “price gouging.” They may not know there’s a law against charging too little
Who Killed Eastern Airlines? – Jim Ashlock
Some of the same forces – union mendacity, media bias, government meddling, and managerial hubris – are still at work undermining some of America’s top businesses.
Mourn the Untimely Passing of Facts and Fairness in the News – Jere Moore
Journalists are dropping all pretense of objectivity; they’re even giving politicians money.
Ritzy Palm Beach Confronts Risky Underground Movement – Thomas V. DiBacco
Burying utility lines costs a lot and doesn’t produce the touted benefits.
Book Reviews
State of Fear – Reviewed by Tanja Clendinen
Author Michael Crichton’s 2004 novel challenges the alarmists’ view of climate change.
Boomsday – Reviewed by Nicholas Howell
Christopher Buckley’s satirical novel shows what could happen if the failure of pension reform led to open conflict between Generation X and Baby Boomers retiring in droves.