Message from the Publisher – J. Stanley Marshall
Here’s what Barack Obama could do as President to improve American education.
From the Editor’s Desk
Healthcare reform: Mr. (Adam) Smith goes to Washington.
Letter to the Editor
A reader recalls an interesting afternoon spent in West Virginia with “James Madison.’
Cover Story
Beware When Government Runs Both Politics and the Economy – J. Robert McClure
Our nation’s founders knew: Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Government Policies Led to Wall Street’s Risky Business – Randall Holcombe
Congress is now ducking responsibility for a mess its mandates helped to create.
The National Financial Crisis and Hurricane Insurance – Donald D. Brown, Dennis A. Ross, and Leonard Schulte
To avoid financial ruin, Florida needs to restore the private market in property insurance.
Fixing Social Security: Private Accounts Still Make Sense, Despite Wall Street’s Woes – Heidi Biggs
Some of the “solutions’ being considered in Congress would be job killers.
A Disturbing Erosion of Property Rights in Florida – Ari Bargil
When is your property no longer yours? When the Florida Supreme Court says so.
Recent Merit-Selection Reform Can Improve Florida’s Courts – William Large
Nominating commissions help Florida avoid some of the drawbacks of electing judges.
Credit James Madison for “Full Faith and Credit’ – Thomas V. DiBacco
This provision of the Constitution “is mired today in controversies regarding whether states, including Florida, may be required to accept same-sex marriages of other states.”
Point-Counterpoint: Healthcare
The Case for Single-Payer National Health Insurance – Ray Bellamy, M.D.
America’s current healthcare system is broken. The year ahead could see the federal government finally taking steps toward a viable solution.
Healthcare Reform Must Empower Individuals – David McKalip, M.D.
America’s current healthcare system is broken. The year ahead could see the federal government misdiagnosing the problem and prescribing the wrong solution.
Book Reviews
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning (A book by Jonah Goldberg) – Reviewed by Francisco Gonzalez
Liberals have tried to pin the blame for Fascism on the political Right. They’re wrong.
Somebody’s Gotta Say It (A book by Neal Boortz) – Reviewed by Jim Ashlock
The libertarian lawyer and talk-show firebrand makes some valid points if you can get past his in-your-face style and inflammatory rhetoric.