During this year’s legislative session, many people had a difficult time following the complex and historic Medicaid reforms that were passed after lengthy debates and testimony. Because of this, The James Madison Institute is providing a unique opportunity for you to learn more about this legislation by hosting an informational conference call featuring Sen. Joe Negron, the main Sponsor of the reforms.The conference call will take place tomorrow, June 15, 2011 at 12:00 PM EDT. As you may know, The James Madison Institute has been encouraging reforms of Florida’s Medicaid program for more than a decade. Medicaid now consists of about one-third of the state budget with no signs of turning around. The reforms that the Florida Legislature put into place this session will, over the next few years, begin to rein in these costs and allow more dollars to be allocated to other important programs in the state budget, apart from Medicaid.To obtain the call in information for this discussion, please RSVP to Francisco Gonzalez at fgonzalez@jamesmadison.org or 850-383-4625. This call will last no longer than 1 hour.Thomas M. Perrin
Director of Public Affairs
The James Madison Institute
To view as a webpage: June 14 Public Affairs Memo