For Immediate Release: May 17, 2011
Contact: Melissa Richman melissa@coremessage.comFLORIDA’S “UNLIKELY COALITION” APPLAUDS GOV. SCOTT ON SIGNING SB 408TALLAHASSEE – Florida’s “unlikely coalition” commends Florida Gov. Rick Scott today for signing SB 408 into law.Manley Fuller, President, Florida Wildlife Federation
“We were pleased to hear that Gov. Scott signed SB 408 into law. The Florida Wildlife Federation stands firm on ending the practice of allowing Citizens and the Cat Fund to subsidize million dollar homes in low lying areas and this piece of legislation is a positive step in the right direction. By stabilizing the property insurance market and fostering a business environment that lends itself to the private market’s return we hope to eventually reign in the continued reckless coastal development we are seeing so that we may better protect Florida’s coastal wetlands and barrier islands.”Abigail F. MacIver, Director of Policy & External Affairs, Americans for Prosperity – Florida
“On behalf of Americans for Prosperity’s 87,000 Florida activists, I applaud Governor Scott’s signing of SB 408. This legislation will decrease the over-regulation in Florida’s insurance market, spurring much needed competition and increasing business and consumer confidence. Our insurance market has been in crisis for years and it is necessary for the future financial security of our state that we encourage private insurance companies to expand operations in our state.”Thomas Perrin, Director of Public Affairs, The James Madison Institute
“The James Madison Institute commends the Legislature and Governor Scott for their commitment to restoring Florida’s broken property insurance market. Easing burdensome regulations and addressing sinkhole fraud will make a positive impact on our state and its policyholders.”Don Brown, Senior Fellow, The Heartland Institute and former chairman of the Florida House Insurance Committee
“I commend Gov. Scott on his decision to sign SB 408 into law. This piece of legislation is critical to repairing our state’s insurance crisis and reinvigorating the private market in Florida. It will take time to reform the system completely, but this bill is an important step in the right direction.”