JMI Tampa Luncheon Update: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the guest speaker for our luncheon, James O’Keefe, will not be able to personally attend JMI’s event tomorrow. However, he will participate via Skype with both remarks and a robust Q & A session. Come hear why the federal government has revoked permission for him to travel to Tampa. Despite the government’s restrictions, not all is lost for this citizen journalist in the age of new media. Even by Skype, if you have yet to see one of Mr. O’Keefe’s presentations, we believe you will find it thought-provoking and entertaining.Along with the Executive Director of Project Veritas, Daniel Francisco, the Institute’s lunch will now also include opening remarks by John Fund, Senior Editor of The American Spectator, former columnist for The Wall Street Journal, Fox News contributor, and author of several books including “Stealing Elections,” an account of voter fraud.We apologize for this inconvenience. Dr. Robert McClure, The President of The James Madison Institute, along with JMI board members and staff, look forward to seeing you for an engaging discussion on citizen journalism and the future of limited government. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your luncheon reservation, please call JMI Communications Director Tanja Clendinen at 850-386-3131.