JMI white paper cited and Policy Director Bob Sanchez quoted in Tallahassee Democrat editorial “Money Is Only One Way to Measure True Worth” regarding funding for higher education.Excerpt:
. . . The local James Madison Institute, whose mission is “the advancement of practical free-market ideas on public policy issues,” came out recently with a report called “An Evaluation of Florida’s Bright Futures Scholarships in a Fiscally Constrained Era.”The report, by researcher Colin Knapp, is a straightforward look at not only the costs of the program but also how it has changed over the years. It makes a good case for review.But the liberal in me could barely get past the foreword by JMI policy director Robert Sanchez. Because many college grads are finding it hard to land jobs — and thus are finding it hard to pay off college loans — he says: “The situation has begun to raise questions about the long-held assumption that providing every high-school graduate with an opportunity to earn a college degree is as much a part of ‘the American dream’ as the assumption that everyone should own a home — another assumption now being re-evaluated in the wake of the housing bubble.” . . .