The James Madison Institute
Celebrates National Thrift Week
January 17-23, 2012
Tuesday, January 17
Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater will present an official Proclamation designating Jan. 17-23 as “Thrift Week” in Florida to Bob McClure, president of the James Madison Institute. Signed by Gov. Rick Scott and the entire Florida cabinet, this proclamation calls thrift “the antidote to the high levels of debt and economic uncertainty currently plaguing our nation.” Tuesday, January 17
Students all over Florida will begin using the James Madison Institute’s supplemental curriculum, All About the Benjamins: Understanding the Value of Thrift. Made possible by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation, this curriculum is being produced in association with News-in-Education programs at newspapers around the state. Tuesday, January 17
Since Thrift Week historically begins on Ben Franklin’s Jan. 17 birthday, the Franklin County Public School (K-12) will hold a special celebration to kick off Thrift Week in Florida. Following a birthday party and Jeopardy-like game with the 5th graders, Ben Franklin re-enactor Lloyd Wheeler will give a presentation about “the wise use of one’s time, talent, and treasure” to more than 200 middle and high school students. January 17-23
JMI will tweet “daily benjamins” (wise sayings on thrift made popular by Benjamin Franklin) to commemorate Thrift Week. Be sure to follow JMI on twitter so that you can receive your “daily benjamin” (and retweet it to all your friends and associates).Wednesday, January 18
JMI Resident Fellow William Mattox will participate in a Thrift Week celebration in Philadelphia, PA, where the new report, Why Thrift Matters, will be formally presented by scholars from the Institute for American Values. Mattox is a signer of the report. Copies of All About the Benjamins will be presented and distributed. Thursday, January 19
To commemorate Thrift Week, Congressman Steve Southerland will give a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives about spending carefully, drawing upon Thursday’s daily benjamin: “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”Friday, January 20
JMI President Bob McClure will make an appearance on WFLA’s popular Preston Scott Show to discuss the importance of personal responsibility, economic freedom, long-term growth, and other thrift-related themes.Monday, January 23
JMI will post information at its web site ( about ways that groups and individuals can sustain Thrift Week’s momentum throughout the year, such as participating in “Teach Your Children to Save Day” at the Florida Capitol in May.