By Rachel Procaccini, JMI Volunteer & Chiles High School Senior
This past month I was invited to attend the Friedman Economics Luncheon for rising high school seniors hosted by the James Madison Institute. Given my interest in political functioning, I found the subject of economics very intriguing.Florida State University Professor Dr. James Gwartney was interviewed and shared his views and research regarding our country’s global standing in terms of economics. I was surprised to learn that the United States’ current trend is toward no longer being the most powerful economic group in the world—due to federal policy decisions and the increasing influence of nations such as China, our economic freedoms are becoming more limited.We believe in the government that our Founding Fathers designed, and we place our trust in those whom we elect to represent us. Unfortunately, if they do not adhere to strict Constitutional concepts then our economic and social life slowly changes.Attending this event helped me to realize that the economic well-being of the United States affects all of our lives. I’m now beginning to develop an awareness of the importance of the economic aspects of political and policy decisions, and with this awareness, I will become a more alert and vigilant citizen.