James M. Taylor is Senior Fellow of Environment Policy at the Heartland Institute. He is the organizer of the Heartland Institute’s annual International Conference on Climate Change, the largest annual conference of its kind, bringing together the world’s leading climate scientists disputing the notion that humans are causing a global warming crisis.
Taylor is a frequent witness in state legislative hearings regarding global warming issues. He is also a frequent speaker at state legislative conferences, including meetings of the American Legislative Exchange Council. He has presented global warming analysis on the CBS Evening News, CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, Hannity & Colmes, the Glenn Beck show, numerous national radio programs, and in virtually every major newspaper in the country. He has authored several policy studies on global warming and related issues, including “Scientific Consensus on Global Warming,” “State Greenhouse Gas Programs: An Economic and Scientific Analysis,” and “A Cost-Effective Bridge to Florida’s Energy Future.”
Taylor received his Bachelors Degree from Dartmouth College where he studied Atmospheric Science and majored in Government. He received his Law Degree from the Syracuse University College of Law.