Wary of the knocking navigators
FSUNews: ‘Navigators’ could show the road to identity theft
Navigators' could show the road to identity theft
Tallahassee Democrat: What we all need to learn from Booker T. students
What we all need to learn from Booker T. students
Newsmax: Madison Institute’s McClure: ‘Obamacar’ Lemon Should Head to the Junkya...
Obamacare' Lemon Should Head to the Junkyard
Gainesville Sun: Making Medicaid malaise
Making Medicaid malaise
Albany Tribune: Questions About Obama’s Delay Of Healthcare Mandate – OpEd
Questions About Obama's Delay Of Healthcare Mandate
Daytona Beach News-Journal: Government rejected call for tax, but public still wins with Speedway
Government rejected call for tax, but public still wins with Speedway
Tallahassee Democrat: Florida is right in not expanding Medicaid
Florida is right in not expanding Medicaid
Tallahassee Democrat: Act like a ‘statesman’ – but then get slammed
Act like a 'statesman' - but then get slammed
Ocala Star-Banner: Act like leaders, but then get slammed
Act like leaders, but then get slammed
TCPalm: Florida House leaders statesmen for making tough calls that preserve long-run sustainabili...
Florida House leaders statesmen for making tough calls that preserve long-run sustainability for taxpayers
Sunshine State News: Act Like Leaders But Then Get Slammed
Act Like Leaders But Then Get Slammed
Op-Ed: Floridians Should Have Opportunity to Respond to Medicaid Expansion Costs
Floridians Should Have Opportunity to Respond to Medicaid Expansion Costs
Tallahassee Democrat: Bringing Thrifty Back: A Forgotten Concept
Bringing Thrifty Back: A Forgotten Concept