Florida State University
RSVP: http://bit.ly/ConstitutionDayFSU
Tallahassee, FL
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Doak Campbell Stadium | University Center C 5th Floor (FSU Testing Center) | Boardroom 5301 — 5:45 p.m.
**Parking available in all lots surrounding Doak Campbell Stadium, no permit required**
Partner: Young Americans for Liberty
Featuring: George Nash, Historian
Topic: “The Foundations of The Founding Fathers: Books, Education, and Early American Statesmanship”
Nash received his Ph.D. in History from Harvard University. He is author of several American history books and is a presidential biographer. He has advised presidents and Congress on library information issues. Nash has been interviewed for several PBS documentaries, NPR, and C-SPAN.
FSU Flyer PDFUniversity of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Pugh Hall — 5 p.m.
Featuring: George Nash, Historian
Topic: “The Foundations of The Founding Fathers: Books, Education, and Early American Statesmanship”
Nash received his Ph.D. in History from Harvard University. He is author of several American history books and is a presidential biographer. He has advised presidents and Congress on library information issues. Nash has been interviewed for several PBS documentaries, NPR, and C-SPAN.
UF Flyer PDFAve Maria University
RSVP: http://bit.ly/ConstitutionDayAMU
Naples Area, FL
Thursday, September 17, 2015 — 5 p.m.
The Ballroom
Featuring: David Shestokas, Constitution Expert
Topic: “Relating the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution: How a Legal Complaint Combined with a Power of Attorney for a Design to Protect American Liberties”
Shestokas is a lawyer by trade and hosts a weekly radio show devoted to explaining the Constitution. He studied comparative legal systems at Trinity College in Ireland. Shestokas is currently working to provide an accurate Spanish translation of the United States’ constitutional heritage.
AMU Flyer PDFFlorida Gulf Coast University
Fort Myers, FL
Thursday, September 17, 2015 — 7 p.m.
Cohen Center 213
Partner: Eagles for Liberty
Featuring: David Shestokas, Constitution Expert
Topic: “Relating the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution: How a Legal Complaint Combined with a Power of Attorney for a Design to Protect American Liberties”
Shestokas is a lawyer by trade and hosts a weekly radio show devoted to explaining the Constitution. He studied comparative legal systems at Trinity College in Ireland. Shestokas is currently working to provide an accurate Spanish translation of the United States’ constitutional heritage.