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Each year, students in the state of Florida are expected to recite a key passage from the Declaration ofIndependence and to spend at least three hours in the classroom studying this important document. CelebrateFreedom carefully examines this key passage, helping students better understand its meaning and why it is stillimportant to us today.
This publication is sponsored by The James Madison Institute (JMI), a Florida-based organization whichconducts civics education programs through its Wells Center for American Ideals. Celebrate Freedom has beenmade possible thanks to the generosity of the Lillian S. Wells Foundation, the Gibbs Family Foundation, PublixSuper Market Charities, Inc., and many other donors around the state. Guidancefor this curriculum has been provided by the Florida Department of Education, anumber of Florida teachers, and the News in Education (NIE) staff at theSun Sentinel.
For more information about JMI’s programs for students, call 850-386-3131.