George Gibbs Center for Economic Prosperity

C⁠i⁠ndy Graves Show (Rad⁠i⁠o AM600, WBOB) Jacksonv⁠i⁠lle, Fla. — Dr. Bob McClure d⁠i⁠scusses freedom ⁠t⁠o ⁠i⁠nnova⁠t⁠e vs. regula⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on

By: The James Madison Institute / 2014

Cindy Graves Show (Radio AM600, WBOB) — Jacksonville, Fla.
Dr. Bob McClure discusses freedom to innovate vs. regulation
October 29, 2014   1:15 p.m.Listen to the podcast of Dr. Bob McClure on the Cindy Graves Show at the link below. McClure starts speaking at the 15:30 mark.Dr. Bob McClure on the Cindy Graves Show