By Chelsea Albers, JMI Intern and Florida State University Senior in International Affairs & Languages
CPAC-Florida in Orlando was the place to be on Friday, September 23rd, 2011, especially for inspired conservatives who are looking for opportunities to plug into the American conservative movement. Whether new to the conservative cause, pursuing a career in the expansion of liberty, or seeking the best organization to support financially, this first ever regional CPAC event was an excellent venue for acquiring knowledge about the various movements that are shaking America back to its constitutional foundations.Some organizations, such as the Charles G. Koch Institute and FreedomWorks, specialize in training conservatives to advocate for free-market economics and less invasive government policies. Others, such as the Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, and of course, the James Madison Institute, focus on educating the public and finding solutions to our intrusive bureaucracy and collapsing economy. Many concern themselves with economics, but attendees passionate for conservative social causes had a chance to get connected with the Florida Family Policy Council.Each of the many organizations represented has its own personal mission and flair. If you attended CPAC-Florida, follow up with the organization(s) you found most impressive; for those who did not attend, visit the CPAC website for a list of these liberty-inspired institutions.In a riveting speech, Florida Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll encouraged Americans to stay informed and get involved–well my friends, the opportunities are available, but it’s our responsibility to take action. Utilize the resources and expertise of these conservative organizations to make your voice heard in our states’ and nation’s capitols. We each have a heavy stake in the success of our country, and we each have a strong say in the direction we want to lead our nation.