December 7, 2022
CONTACT: Logan Elizabeth Padgett
Over 20 years ago, a coalition of Florida education reformers that included Governor Jeb Bush and the James Madison Institute founder Stanley Marshall worked to advance the A+ Plan for Education. This initiative included accountability measures (A-to-F grading system) and school choice opportunities for students. While the impact was far-reaching, many Florida families have yet to benefit directly from school choice.
Today, The James Madison Institute has released a new paper by JMI’s director of the Marshall Center for Educational Options, William Mattox. “Better Scholarships and Stronger Neighborhoods: A New A+ Plan for K12 Education to Address Unmet Needs,” calls for a new A+ Plan.
“Florida’s original A+ Plan proved to be an extraordinary success. It transformed K-12 education in our state and turned Florida into a national leader in student outcomes. Still, many Florida families have yet to benefit directly from school choice – or to benefit fully from all that a skillfully-crafted education choice policy could bring. Thus, a New A+ Plan is needed — one that offers universal, flexible scholarships for all Florida families, with weighted funding for those living in Title I neighborhoods that need revitalization.” — William Mattox, director of the Marshall Center for Educational Options, The James Madison Institute
In a post- Covid world, more and more people are interested in new ways to educate their children, new places to raise their children, and new strategies for stimulating “positive neighborhood effects” in disadvantaged communities.
To read the report “Better Scholarships and Stronger Neighborhoods: A New A+ Plan for K12 Education to Address Unmet Needs,” click here.
The James Madison Institute is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the ideals of limited government, economic freedom, federalism and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility. The institute conducts research on such issues as criminal justice, health care, taxes and regulatory environments.