Pulitzer Prize winner Robert F. Sanchez will speak to the Gulf Coast Economics Club next week on how the Affordable Care Act will impact Florida in 2014.Now with the James Madison Institute in Tallahassee, Sanchez is a former Miami Herald Editorial Page writer, listed in Who’s Who in America, and is a multi-award winner in the field of journalism.He will speak during a May 15luncheon at New World Landing starting at 11:30 a.m.He shared the 1983 Pulitzer Prize with his Miami Herald Editorial Page colleagues for a series of editorials on the influx of Haitian refugees being held at the Chrome Detention Center in Miami.For more information, call Kathryn Thompson at 723-2423.Cost for the lunch is $20 for guests, $10 for students and members are free.http://www.pnj.com/article/20130509/BUSINESS/305090004/Prize-winning-journalist-to-address-Economics-Club?nclick_check=1