
Pol⁠i⁠⁠t⁠⁠i⁠co: No shor⁠t⁠age of ‘exper⁠t⁠s’ for Tuesday

By: The James Madison Institute / 2012



Reporters know the drill all too well: Before a big news event, their inboxes are flooded with emails from self-declared “experts” (or the experts’ marketers), letting journalists know that they’ll be ready, willing and able to chime in on the day’s news.And, perhaps no day provides such a ripe opportunity for said “experts” as Election Day, the Super Bowl, if you will, for the “expert available” crowd.Instead of responding to these emails looking for a quote on, say, Romney’s chances in Virginia or the importance of the youth vote for Obama, POLITICO instead asked for a different type of expertise: Expertise on what it’s like to be an expert on Election Day. Only three out of ten responded, perhaps revealing that there is, in fact, one topic that they’re not available to discuss: Themselves.Others (or their reps), however, explained what the day means to them and their brand.Jayel Aheram, with Polimedia LLC, sent out an email offering up John Kimberling (“widely known as a leading U.S. litigation specialist”) for “post-election perspective and analysis of the impact of third parties.”“What makes elections—especially presidential elections—unique is that you can schedule for it and thus craft excellent pitches or releases to coincide with major events (like the debates) leading up to election night,” Aheram told POLITICO. “This is also the reason why a lot of pitches from experts are timed to be released during notable national holidays—it is something on the calendar and something people do think about. It really comes down to the ability to plan, prepare, and execute campaigns.”An email promoting “social media expert” Kenneth Wisnefski’s touted his ability “to discuss the impact of social media on deciding the outcome of the Presidential election.” Wisnefski says Tuesday night will be big for him (hopefully).”There is a spike because this happens once every 4 years,” said Wisnefski. “Social Media continues to be a trending phenomenon therefore constantly requiring expert insight and commentary. Election night I expect to be higher because it is completely an analysis and game of prediction and estimation.”I asked Wisnefski if getting his commentary in news publications on Election Day represents a significant achievement and he said: “It certainly does.”“Customers and consumers trust your advice and the ability to show you are providing expert commentary on a night when everyone will be watching network news sites bodes well for your reputation.”For Wisnefski and others, getting reporters to bite on their pitches is hardly a walk in the park.“Some reporters appreciate the opportunity and pitch / story ideas, while some are very set in their ways and do not appreciate it,” said Wisnefski.Aheram says it can be the case where “people will be too busy following hourly election results and in terms of noise, there will be way too much out there to compete with. … Post-election and pre-election are better time periods.”Valerie Wickboldt with the James Madison Institute, promoted in an email to reporters the organization’s CEO Dr. Bob McClure and its policy director Bob Sanchez as being available for “post-election, nonpartisan commentary on what Tuesday’s results will mean for Florida.” She says that, a lot of times, striking gold with media hits can simply mean throwing something out there and hoping it sticks.“We’ve received positive response so far and hopefully, media know we are just trying to be of service,” said Wickboldt. “You never know when when the timing might be right for us to fill a need.”Read more: