George Gibbs Center for Economic Prosperity

Sa⁠i⁠n⁠t⁠ Pe⁠t⁠ersblog — Sayf⁠i⁠e Rev⁠i⁠ew announces Flor⁠i⁠da Leaders Summ⁠i⁠⁠t⁠ par⁠t⁠ners for November conference

By: The James Madison Institute / 2015

Sayfie Review
“Sayfie Review announces Florida Leaders Summit partners for November conference”
August 24, 2015
By Ryan RayLawyer-lobbyist extraordinaire and publisher of the Sayfie Review Justin Sayfie hasannounced the Thought Leadership Partners — a group of Florida-based think tanks and advocacy groups — whose work will help inform the publication’s upcoming Florida Leaders Summit, set for Nov. 16 and 17 in Orlando.The list of intellectual partners for the summit is:

AIF Foundation
Bob Graham Center for Public Service
LeRoy Collins Institute
Florida Chamber Foundation
Florida Council of 100
Florida Philanthropic Network
Florida Taxwatch
Foundation for Florida’s Future
The James Madison Institute
Leadership Florida
University of Miami

Representatives from the institutions will participate in the publication’s “invitation-only, non-partisan event for Florida’s top leaders, modeled after the World Economic Forumin Davos, Switzerland.”Those invited will receive the details of the summit’s location and program this fall.Available details about the Florida Leaders Summit can be found at its dedicated website.According to Sayfie, the 2015 summit “will bring together Florida’s top business, government, news media, nonprofit and academic leaders to consider and discuss the most impactful ideas, issues and trends facing our state and nation.”Article: