Statement by Dr. Bob McClure, President and CEO of The James Madison Institute Regarding the Lawsuit to Eliminate the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program:TALLAHASSEE – Caring about the individual needs of Florida’s students should be priority number one for any organization touting the importance of student success. It’s ironic that there has been a major push for choice in healthy food options in school cafeterias across Florida, but yet, when it comes to choice in education, the real food fights begin. If we are concerned with the well being of our students, we should all take a comprehensive look into the factors that allow them to advance in their education.Organizations that seek to protect a one-size-fits-all system — clearly in favor of the adults involved, rather than the children, are misguided. The James Madison Institute believes parents know best the needs of their own children. Florida’s legislature recognized the opportunity to help one of the state’s most vulnerable populations through educational choice, and took action.Be it a great public school, a charter or Parochial school, online learning or chartered courses children and their parents have the right to determine what works for their unique situation. Overall, our state’s students have improved with the introduction of educational options more than a decade ago. Florida should never hold back solutions that will launch our students forward.# # #Trusted Solutions for a Better Florida: Founded in 1987, The James Madison Institute (JMI) is one of Florida’s oldest and largest nonpartisan, nonprofit research and educational organizations. JMI is dedicated to advancing such ideals as economic freedom, limited government, federalism, traditional values, the rule of law, and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility. All JMI publications are available online at Twitter: @JmsMadisonInst – Facebook: