Press Releases

STATEMENT RELEASE: JMI Applauds Sco⁠t⁠⁠t⁠ Appo⁠i⁠n⁠t⁠ees

By: The James Madison Institute / 2017


MARCH 3, 2017

CONTACT: Logan Pike


Tallahassee, Fla. – Governor Rick Scott has appointed 15 Floridians to serve on the Constitution Revision Commission and recommend potential changes to Florida’s state constitution to be approved by voters.

“Governor Scott has made some excellent appointments today,” said McClure. “I look forward to seeing their progress as they evaluate Florida’s constitution and determine what, if any, changes to recommend to make Floridians more free and to make Florida a better place to live, work and raise a family.”

The Governor’s appointees include new JMI Board Members Tim Cerio and Frank Kruppenbacher.

“I am particularly pleased to see two JMI board members appointed by Governor Scott today,” said McClure. “I am confident that Tim and Frank will bring their strong foundation of freedom-based principles to the commission in a way that will benefit all Floridians.”

The Commission, consisting of 37 members, convenes every 20 years to review Florida’s constitution and recommend amendments that then require approval by Florida voters. The members are appointed by the Governor (15), Senate President (9), House Speaker (9) and Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court (3). Florida’s Attorney General is an automatic appointee.

Through a comprehensive effort that couples academically-sound research with widespread education outreach, JMI provides information and ideas that guide policymakers and fuel public policy debates across Florida from the halls of the state Capitol to the homes of Floridians.
