September 15, 2021
Logan Elizabeth Padgett
TALLAHASSEE – Today, The James Madison Institute (JMI) released the newest edition of its civics education curriculum Celebrate Freedom in partnership with the Tampa Bay Times Newspaper in Education (NIE) and the Florida Press Education Services, Inc. JMI released the 12-page education paper which will be circulated to students across the state of Florida, as well as parts of Texas.
The latest edition of Celebrate Freedom has been designed to highlight the many leaders of all backgrounds who have built America into the country it is today. This publication, which has won a SPNovation Award from the State Policy Network, was first distributed in September 2010 as JMI’s supplemental civics curriculum. Celebrate Freedom, has reached over a million students over the course of the last decade, with plans to reach 1,776,000 more students between July 2021 and the 250th anniversary of the founding of our country in July 2026.
Each year during Celebrate Freedom Week, students in Florida, Texas, and a number of other states are expected to recite a key passage from the Declaration of Independence and to spend time studying this important document. Celebrate Freedom carefully examines this key passage, helping students better understand its meaning and why it is still important today. These colorful 12-page booklets examine a key passage from the Declaration of Independence, using a variety of tools and examples to help students gain a greater understanding of America’s founding principles.
Celebrate Freedom is sponsored by The James Madison Institute (JMI), a non-profit organization which conducts civics education programs through its Center for American Ideals. Guidance for this supplemental curriculum has been provided by the Florida Department of Education, a number of leading scholars and K-12 teachers, and the Newspaper in Education staff at the Tampa Bay Times.
To view a digital copy of Celebrate Freedom, click here.
The James Madison Institute is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the ideals of limited government, economic freedom, federalism and individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility. The institute conducts research on such issues as criminal justice, health care, taxes and regulatory environments.