September 28, 2017
Shelby Hobbs
(850) 377-1775
Dr. Robert McClure, president and CEO of The James Madison Institute, issued the following statement in response to the Big Six’s proposal for tax reform, which will eliminate loopholes and reduce rates for American citizens:
“President Trump and his administration have put forth an ambitious tax reform agenda that if passed will lead to greater economic opportunity and prosperity for every American household and small business alike. By working to not only cut taxes but simplify the tax code, President Trump has taken a step in the right direction to fulfilling both his and the Congress’ promise to the American people. Tax reform has long been a top priority for The James Madison Institute, and we believe this new proposal will be of tremendous benefit to the American public, allowing each individual to pursue his or her own American Dream. We expect our leaders in Washington to do what they’ve promised, to tackle comprehensive tax reform and provide substantive relief for the American taxpayer. The James Madison Institute looks forward to working with them to achieve this goal.”
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The James Madison Institute is Florida’s premier free-market think tank. JMI conducts research on such issues as health care, taxes, and regulatory environments. Founded in 1987, JMI is one of the nation’s oldest and largest 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational organizations.