She owns her own business and has her own home, but Willow Tufano is only a teenager.
The teen was recently awarded the Preston Wells Student Award for her achievements in business by The James Madison Institute, one of Florida’s largest and oldest research and educational organizations.
The ceremony took place at the JA World Huizenga Center in Coconut Creek as the organizations celebrated and highlighted Constitution Day on Sept. 17.”We really enjoy sharing the celebration of our Constitution with the community,” Rebecca Liner, executive vice president of The James Madison Institute, said in a press release. “Taking time with the next generation to tell the amazing story behind this historic document and why we still value it today is of critical importance.”Tufano was honored with the award for starting her own used goods business and saving enough money to buy her own house at 14 years of age, which she now rents to tenants. Her story was also recently featured on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.”I’m excited to receive this award from The James Madison Institute,” Tufano said in a press release. “The past few years have been full of life lessons, and I’m grateful for all this experience has taught me. I want to tell other kids like myself to turn their ideas into action. Just because you’re young doesn’t mean you can’t make it happen.”For more information about The James Madison Institute, visit