RIDESHARING BILLS COULD PAVE THE WAY FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGESviaWilliam Patrick of FloridaWatchdog.org– On the same day an Uber- and Lyft-friendly ridesharing bill passed its first committee stop in the Florida House, state Sen.Jeff Brandeswas presenting his vision of where he believes the transportation industry is headed. “We’re in a generational shift from the horse and buggy to the Model-T,” Brandes said at the James Madison Institute in Tallahassee. The St. Petersburg Republican was the main presenter at a public event focusing on emerging transportation technologies. He’s also sponsoring legislation similar to the House ridesharing bill. If successful, the measures would create uniform insurance and background check requirements for participating drivers, and prevent local governments from issuing conflicting regulations. The reforms could be a first-step in a much larger sequence of changes. “The industry is evolving,” Brandes said. “Auto manufacturers, tech companies and all kinds of groups are working hard to get into this space.”
Article: http://floridapolitics.com/archives/232072-sunburn-2-14-17-happy-valentines-day