HAPPENINGWEDNESDAY– INDUSTRY LEADERS DISCUSS FUTURE OF TRANSPORTATION —The Charles Koch Institute, The James Madison Institute and Lyft will host a discussion at6 p.m.Wednesdayat The James Madison Institute, 100 North Duval Street in Tallahassee, to discuss the future of transportation in Florida and around the country. Sen.Jeff Brandesis scheduled to give the keynote address. The event will also include a panel discussion moderated byJesse Blumenthal, manager of technology and innovation at the Charles Koch Institute, and featuring panelistsEli Dourado, director of technology policy program at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University;Rob Grant, the director of government relations at Lyft, andAdrian Moore, the vice president of policy at the Reason Foundation.
Article: http://floridapolitics.com/archives/231697-sunburn-2-7-17-trump-hearts-florida-first-crc-picks-dana-young-upset-new-starbucks