FLORIDA GROWING FRIENDLIER TO CRIMINAL-JUSTICE REFORM, POLL INDICATESviaFlorida Politics– The survey by The James Madison Institute and theCharles KochInstitute found that 72 percent of Floridians agreed or strongly agreed it is important to reform criminal justice. Seventy-five percent agreed or strongly agreed the prison population costs the country too much money. And almost two-thirds believed there were too many nonviolent offenders behind bars. Survey Sampling International conducted the poll of 1,488 Florida residents in English and Spanish in July through an opt-in web-based panel. The margin for error was pegged at plus or minus 3 percentage points. In other findings, 72 percent of Floridians said people convicted of felonies should be allowed to secure licenses to work following their release. And 74 percent said prisons should focus more on rehabilitation than punishment. Regarding juvenile offenders, 70 percent said they should be separated from adults behind bars. By a 47-point margin, the poll’s respondents trusted judges rather than prosecutors to decide whether to charge juveniles as adults.