Miami toll legislation could hurt state highway funding | Commentary
By: Robert Poole April 24, 2019 Florida is one of America’s fastest-growing states. Its policymakers have done a...
2011–Feb28 Blog: WCTV6-CBS Editorial – McClure on High Speed Rail
JMI President McClure’s blog “The Right Decision on High-Speed Rail” posted on the WCTV6-CBS Editorial Blog.
Florida’s Growth Management Follies
Florida's Growth Management Follies
07/20/05 – Florida’s Growth Management Follies
Florida’s growth management debate heated up this year; but it still boils down to two basic issues: how...
07/24/02 – Lying About Infrastructure Costs: Implications for Florida High-Speed Rail
Two years ago the voters of Florida approved a constitutional amendment that requires a high-speed rail network to...
06/13/02 – Transit’s 40-Year Record Low
In recent years, the American Public Transportation Association and transit agencies have been pumping out press releases about...