The James Madison Institute, a think tank in Tallahassee concerned about economic freedom, limited government and personal responsibility, wants to make sure high school students are smart about their money. In honor of Benjamin Franklin (you know, the guy on the $100 bill), whose birthday is tomorrow (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEN!), JMI recently sent high schools enough copies of its cool booklet All About the Benjamins for each and every senior. (If you haven’t seen it, check with your school’s office.) Franklin was known for his pithy and wise sayings:• “Buy what thou has no need of and ere long thou shalt sell thy necessities.”• “Eat to live, not live to eat.”• “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”The folks at the James Madison Institute want you to write your own “Benjamins” but give them a modern twist: Tweet about the wise use of one’s time, talent or treasure today, and be sure to tag #tbtwo, #JMI and #thrift. The author of JMI’s favorite tweet will win a $50 gift certificate to the store of their choice. (That’s half a Benjamin!)