Fall 2020 | Number 63
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Cover Story
These ’20s are Roaring | Sal Nuzzo
The start of a new decade has ushered in a time unlike any we have ever experienced
Principles for Prosperity | Policy Team
The fundamentals of our success have not changed. What made us strong will make us stronger.
Trying Times Indeed: The Generation of Chaos | Peter Leonard
From 9/11 to 2008 to Covid-19- a 20-year old’s perspective on living live from one crisis to the next.
2020 Amendment Guide
Voters will vote on six possible amendments to the Florida Constitution. Find out the pros and cons.
Modern Monetary Theory- Economic Savior or False Prophet? | Madeleine Roberts
Dissecting a frightening concept gaining momentum.
Preparing for a More Fractured Web | Andrea O’Sullivan
A deep dive on the possibilities ahead- good, bad, and ugly- ahead for the future of the internet.
Zero-Base-Budgeting- A Path Ahead for Florida’s State Budget | David Geller
With revenues in decline, a way that Florida can rethink its approach to budgeting for the 21st Century.
Amendment 2- Florida’s Economy at Stake | Adrian Moore
Quite possibly the single most impactful constitutional ballot initiative in a generation will be decided on November 3.
Protecting Democracy and the 1st Amendment for Public Employees | F. Vincent Vernuccio
Florida’s workforce deserves the freedom afforded by the United States Supreme Court
Florida’s Economic Recovery | Randall Holcombe
Examining he nuts and bolts of the economic path ahead for the Sunshine State.
Broadband Providers and a Smart FCC | Bartlett Cleland
Smart government, a light regulatory touch, a private market vision have made the Covid lockdowns far less challenging than they might have otherwise been.
Post-Release Strategies in the Age of Covid | Logan Padgett
Private market ideas already in place can offer a path ahead for lawmakers seeking strategies for the corrections system.
Robbing Parents to Pay Paul | William Mattox
Federal tax policy can be adjusted to fix the “parents’ penalty” and advance prosperity.
Replacing Poverty with Prosperity | Michael Williams
An innovative and strategic approach to combatting generational poverty – one zip code at a time.
Policing, Qualified Immunity, and the Rise of the Warrior Cop | Sam Staley
An examination of a practical reform that can bring sanity and logic to an emotional debate happening right now.
Let’s Set a New Bar | Camille Infantolino
Thoughts on a monopoly for licensing attorneys – is it time for a new way? A law school grad’s idea.
Tackling Florida’s Blue-Green Algae | Vittorio Nastasi
Remember water issues? We do – and there is still work to do.
How Florida Highways Can Keep Pace with Growth | Dr. Robert Poole
As cars use less gas, gas tax revenues will decline. How should Florida respond?
The Need for Comprehensive Cryptoasset Policy | Sean Stein Smith
Examining the market landscapes for a technology that will reshape the planet.
From the Archives
An Ally in the Fight Against Judicial Activism | Chris Sprowls
From our 2008 Winter/Spring Issue – 12 years ago, a first-year Stetson Law Student and Future House Speaker provides his philosophy on the role of the Judiciary.
Milton Friedman’s Mistake | Sal Nuzzo
From our 2016 Winter/Spring Issue – an idea championed by Milton Friedman that even he admitted was his biggest error, and a counter proposal that could catalyze the nation.