TALLAHASSEE – In conjunction with the American Legion Boys State Conference, The James Madison Institute (JMI) hosted an evening event at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center at Florida State University where more than 500 Boys State delegates participated in “Political Football,” an original interactive trivia game designed to test students’ knowledge of the history and principles of America’s founding.“Unveiling Political Football with this group gave us a chance to highlight America’s past through this ever-popular American pastime,” said Rebecca Liner, JMI executive vice president, host of “Political Football” and former Girls State Delegate. “The enthusiasm of these young men is always impressive and tonight was no different. We feel very fortunate to be a part of the Boys State playbook in its effort to prepare this team of future Florida leaders to succeed in whatever they choose to do.”In “Political Football,” teams score touchdowns, kick field goals, cause turnovers, and even throw an occasional “Hail, Mary.” The evening program with Boys State is a featured event under JMI’s Preston A. Wells, Jr. Center for American Ideals. The Center seeks to help students learn more about the time-honored ideals that have animated American life since our nation’s founding.The weeklong Boys State conference featured instructional and hands-on learning experiences to introduce Florida politics and public policy to hundreds of top Florida high school boys from across the Sunshine State.”We enjoy a great partnership with The James Madison Institute and our delegates always experience stimulating dialogue and insight,” said Frank Sardinha III, Director of Boys State. “These students are dynamic Florida leaders and they are on a firm track to great achievements.”http://www.wctv.tv/home/headlines/Hundreds-of-Top-High-School-Students-Play-Political-Football-at-Boys-State-Conference-in-Tallahassee-266348771.html